Email, What’s This?

Perhaps you are new to Friday Fragments and to blogs in general, and are wondering what the Email icon means?

In some ways this is similar to other websites where you can join or subscribe to an email list. However, what is different here is that Friday Fragments is being published using the latest RSS technology. What is RSS? To answer that questions, Friday Fragments offers this easy to understand web resource provided by our friends at WebSmart TV called “What is RSS?

When you click on the blue Email icon, you will be able to subscribe to our RSS feed which is located at Whenever Dan posts a new Friday Fragments entry on this website, you will automatically receive that post formatted as an email, directly to your email inbox. You can subscribe and unsubscribe at anytime.

The beauty about RSS is that you control your access to this published information and no one at Friday Fragments has to maintain a list. Participation is totally in your control and anonymous. As long as you stay subscribed, you will keep receiving the weekly blog posts as email. If you want to stop, you simply unsubscribe from the RSS feed via email.

If you are currently subscribed to the Friday Fragments YFC email PHPList, we encourage you to consider subscribing to our Email or RSS feed.